New energy technologies to the mature hybrid boom or approaching

2023-08-01 15:40:40

Although the major car prices in the respective advantages of the new energy field, enter the Chinese market after the performance is not satisfactory. Hybrid when the mass production? Brand of new entrants in this market, there are still opportunities ?

The current context, the new energy car alternative to conventional fuel vehicles is just a matter of time. The face of a deteriorating urban environment, the nodes of the energy crisis, soaring oil prices, governments began to seek alternative sources of energy have been put forward to encourage hybrid vehicles and fuel cell vehicle research and development policy. The financial crisis struck, hit the global automotive industry, it is detonated the fuse of the "new energy vehicle boom. The major car-producing countries have hopes on the new energy vehicles will be as important part of the driving the automobile industry, to stimulate economic recovery, and even elevated to the height of the national energy security. The major car firms smell the restless opportunities of the new energy vehicle market, all eager to try the upper hand on the future path of development of the automobile industry . 

New energy technology is mature

Market is still not ready ?

International variety of new energy vehicle technologies, including hybrid, pure electric, hydrogen, biodiesel, but the focus of national R & D is not the same, committed to the hybrid, such as Japan and Europe respected the diesel-powered, the United States keen to hydrogen momentum. Toyota, the Japanese car firms take advantage of the hybrid, the Prius is quite successful in the North American market; biodiesel's core technology is firmly in German hands, the general public by virtue of diesel and biofuels rule the roost; a decade ago, the U.S. General invested heavily in research and development of hydrogen fuel cells and ethanol engine, and has announced the mass production of the Chevrolet Volt electric car in 2010. In recent years, the domestic own brand BYD, led by domestic own brand to be outdone, by virtue of the wealth of technical reserves in the battery field, the dual-mode electric vehicle F3DM BYD independent research is compelling.

Although the major car prices in the respective advantages of the new energy field, enter the Chinese market after the performance is not satisfactory. The prestigious Toyota Prius has so far sold less than 3500 HONDA CIVIC's hybrid sales target of only 300 in 2009, seems to be caught in the vicious circle difficult to promote the production. Analysis of the industry, mainly three reasons: First, the new energy car parts lagging development, the key components of the core drive module, motor, electric control system and other international giants monopoly, resulting in high cost of new energy vehicle than comparable 20% -30% of the price of your car so that consumers prohibitive; Second, the new energy vehicles in a completely different power systems, the maturity of the technology takes time to build and market testing, the basis of inadequate facilities, the body leakage protection, power supply, urgent need for maintenance services, battery recycling, and other aspects of the security issues resolved, resulting in the loss of a large number of users; Third, the national launch of the new energy vehicles, incentives for public services, not directly encourage personal car, determine the new energy The technology industry is still a long way.

Cost control is the key to success

For the plight of the mass production of new energy vehicles, South Korea's Hyundai-Kia Motors has tried two strategies - the "cost control" and "technology research and development". Recently, Hyundai Motor and LG Chem, SK Energy companies have reached an agreement to jointly develop plug-in hybrid (PHEV) battery. Hyundai Elantra (configuration parameters Gallery) the LPI hybrid powered by lithium-ion polymer battery, is the industry-leading battery manufacturer LG Chem, R & D production. Compared with ordinary nickel metal hybrid battery, lithium-ion polymer battery more lightweight, small size, has a higher energy density, lower production costs and better reliability. As the stakeholders of the Institute of Hyundai Motor, said: "time to market relatively late in terms of performance, fuel efficiency, the world's highest competitive price", Meaning most of the batteries, controllers and other core parts have been completed the localization Hyundai Motor's hybrid competitors have greater price advantage. The hybrid technology development of Hyundai Motor Group official said, "Hyundai Motor in 2010 with the major competitors in the technical aspects a showdown, through the development of modern automotive electronic control technology, the use of simpler and more efficient way, will achieve greater breakthroughs in hybrid technology. "

Own brand and Korean cars

Effort to the promotion

"Big Brother" compared with Toyota, General Motors, the Korean car Hyundai and Kia as the representative of a late start. FGV-1 2004 50 Click gas-electric hybrid vehicles to the formation of the South Korean demonstration team, is to ensure that the first phase of the hybrid force production of the generation of hybrid concept cars on display from 1995. 2005-2007, the localization of the core parts, the second phase of the establishment of production system. Since 2008, Hyundai-Kia Motor Company Hyundai Motor, Kia Motors has released the environmental sub-brand "Blue Drive" and "the Eco Dynamics", underlines the determination of the energy saving end.

Recently, BYD F3DM dual-mode hybrid opened the prelude to the tour of China, with the Hyundai Elantra LPI is about to be held in Korea, 500 "test drive" echo each other. This may indicate that the new energy vehicles is no longer just the auto show of beautiful embellishment, will really approached the lives of consumers.

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